40 Broadway Albany NY 12202   (518) 434-2800



Collender "Bevel"


Shown here is one of our previous restorations - a ten foot rosewood Collender “Bevel”.


The “Bevel” comes from the fact that the cabinet tapered in. This “boat-frame” design, made it easier to move around the table while playing and was revolutionary in the 1870’s, becoming the dominant style until around WWI, when frames became straight again and the legs were once again moved out to the corners


This table is Rosewood, with “pagoda” legs and plaques and turnings at the corners - all common features of this “pre-Brunswick domination” era. Collender had not yet joined Brunswick and Balke and was a major independent manufacturer. Note that this table has the typical Collender rail bolts which lacked the center hole to attach a brass rosette. The Collender bolts were themselves nickel plated.


We have a few tables in our unrestored inventory from this period and in this general style - see “in the attic” section - “Walnut Griffith”



Copyright 2017 by

Bankshot Antiques, 40 Broadway, Albany NY 12202

(518) 434-2800
